
My Conclusion: I Don't Know

My Conclusion: I Don’t Know

It surprises me when people claim to know a whole bunch of things, because I came to the conclusion at a very young age, that what we believe we know, we might not know at all. Just like we once thought the earth was flat or that all gay people were crazy, we still have false truths about the world we live in. Still we say that we know the truth, that we have the answers.
Growing up to me was all about realizing that everything I once thought, wasn’t what I thought it was. Every day that passed there was a new idea or concept I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around, leaving me with the conclusion that I didn’t actually know, I might have an understanding of part of it, but the bigger picture is missing. I don’t actually know WHAT I am, I am human, but what does that mean? Where am I? Well on earth, wherever that might be. I don’t know the fundamentals to my own existence, but still I exist.
I have always asked myself; If we are this blinded to the truth, doesn’t it make sense that we are not here to obtain true knowledge, but to keep fighting our blindness? Why would we grow up and realize that things aren’t what the seemed to be, just so we can stop learning and stay with an already obtained truth?
It doesn’t make sense to me. I think we are here to learn, keep growing and never settle with a final truth. That’s how we figured out the earth isn’t flat, isn’t it? It’s when we lift away what we once KNEW (what we considered as true), that we can once again see clearly and keep moving forward.
Knowledge is addictive, it becomes a part of our human ego. It boosts us with a feeling of accomplishment and superiority; I am capable of life, is what is says to us, others are not as capable. We hold it dearly and throw it at anyone we consider needs our intellectual help. We take pride in it, our words of truth, or what I would call them, our beliefs.
Many people would not agree with me when I say that everything that you know, holds no true knowledge at all, it is just your beliefs. It’s not that the things that you believe couldn’t be true, it’s just that how could you ever tell?
You have never seen yourself sleep, so how do you know that you stay there, lying in your bed all alone at night, and that you are not out partying? It might be logical that that is what is going on, but that’s only because of your earlier experiences with sleeping, or the fact that you will wake up there tomorrow morning. It doesn’t mean that you have any true knowledge about what is actually happening after you have closed your eyes.
So what I am asking everyone is; Is being sure about things more of a hold back than a step towards humanity knowing more about the truth of things? And do we have to claim what information we personally might have come across as “the way things are”?

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